Sunday, November 19, 2006

Still workin' it

I DID work out again last week. . ..on Thursday I did the 8 minute workout. Friday I worked all day & then the weekend had it's own sort of work outs with the cleaning & packing. Scott removed our current home's shingles Saturday along with some help from several other men. He's very sore from all of the work as I'm sure the other guys are.

We went to our new home to see the progress today. Spencer & Parker were at a birthday party so we had Carter along (he slept in the van). I'll get some photos posted soon. It's coming along with tile already installed on the floors & fireplace. It's getting so exciting! Can't wait for it to be finished!

Talk later!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Procrastination Eat my shorts!

So I'm sticking to my plan so far this morning. . . .I did the Basic Tae Bo workout. Parker started to do it along with me but got too tired. . . It was so cute. Let's face it, anything with punching & kicking for a 4 year old is cool.

I feel good right now - all bets are off for later tonight or tomorrow morning though. I forget about some of those muscle groups!

I work tomorrow - so maybe when I get home I'll do the 8 minute workout. . .maybe.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Me & My Big (NEW) Ideas

Had to share my cute pic of the boys. We were delinquent on the pumpkin carving until last week. . . and I think I forgot to get a shot of the finished work. . . DUH!

A cyber friend of mine had a topic in her blog that inspired me to write this. . .Thanks Jen!

Life Goals - or otherwise titled "Bullshit & Other things I might want to achieve in my life"

(I add "might" because I don't want to commit myself too much. I change my mind frequently.)

- Marry for money - crap! didn't do that & probably never will. Although, I married smart & for love so I guess I'm further ahead that way, right?
- Live in a big house. That's all relative. I could mark this one off already because I lived in a house for the past 8 years & it is bigger than the apartment that used to live in. We're moving into our newly built house in about 5 weeks. . . so count that as achieved:)
- Seriously now - be published other than this blog which probably nobody reads. I have ideas for what I'd write. I'm not sharing it here just yet. Just in case someone is reading this I don't want my ideas pirated. (Ok, so if you are reading this - you're not a nobody - I'm just being insecure when I say nobody reads this. What do I care? This is my outlet, right?
- Get my teeth whitened & straightened. No kidding. My dentist probably gags when he checks out these babies. They're yellowed from years of drinking highly fluouridated water & I'm sure the years of soda & now coffee don't help either. And they're crowded as well. Oh the joys!
- Not have to live paycheck to paycheck. OK, so if Scott gets offered & accepts the Indiana position this could happen sooner than later. . . .so we'll see what happens.
- Travel out of this state & out of this country. So far I've been to, in order, Michigan (only just across the border so big whoop!), Illinois (again, venturing out big time here), Indiana (passed thru on the way to the next destination & stayed a night), Ohio (yep, big honeymoon destination that was. I know, what the everyloving heck?), Orlando (now we're getting real), Chicago, Illinois, Hawaii (THAT'S more like it baby!) & Orlando again. Have not been out of the country yet. I'm a little freaked about that idea right now with the world in the chaos that it is. I'll get over that sooner or later.
- Get physically fit again. I've let my fitness slip BIG TIME since having children. Yeah, sure, I'm down to my prepregnant weight. . . but that's not exactly fit when I get winded going up a flight or two of steps. Time to stop being lazy & stop procrastinating. I'll get on that tomorrow. . . .

I make a lot of lists. . .so I'm sure I'll revise this frequently. If only I could find all of my lists. . .


Sunday, November 05, 2006


Here are my little Trick or Treaters on Halloween night. Spencer & Parker went out but Carter didn't as it was too cold. Later on, Carter decided to try on Spencer's costume. . .. so cute! Too bad I didn't get Scott on camera. He was Superman this year.

Curve Ball!

Just when you think you have life figured out. . .

Scott got a call from corporate the other day asking him to consider a position there. . .in Indiana. Approximately 6.5 hours away in Carmel, Indiana to be exact. . . . which would be quite a move. We'll find out more info & I really want to see an offer in writing before we get into heavy discussion about this one. Let's not kid anyone, we've already discussed the possibility quite a bit. On one hand I'm bummed because I was so excited about our new house that we are just about done building. . . On the other hand, who am I to be so selfish? This is one heck of an exciting opportunity for Scott & for our family. Salary would increase & possibly quite significantly. That would change our situation. Not that we're hard off right now or anything, but let's face it, a bit more is always a bit nicer. We would not have to worry about meeting our monthly bills & could probably afford to have a few nicer things. Again, money is not the only thing to take into consideration.

I've already decided that IF he does get this job that the boys & I would not relocate until after the school year. I can't see ripping Spencer out of kindergarten half way through the year. I also can't see trying to find somewhere to live there during the winter. And, more importantly, I want to make sure this position is something Scott really wants to keep. It will be a HUGE change for all of us.

This whole thing makes it a bit difficult to be fully excited about the new house now. It's not like we'd settle in the new house & unpack everything if we just have to pack it all up right away in 5-6 short months. My head is spinning just thinking about it. I want to have all of the info NOW instead of waiting. I guess I want too much right now. . . so I'll just have to wait. Maybe we'll hear more tomorrow.

Calgon, take me away!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The update

Here is the house today, November 4, 2006. The garage doors are not quite the right color. . .but we'll get that fixed. We have a driveway & front walk & a patio too already. I couldn't get inside the house but I think the plaster is now done. It's getting pretty exciting! We're planning to move in around December 10th. Better get packing!