Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Become a Friend of George

Just go Here, read about George & purchase a nifty downloadable cookbook for just $1.00. This story touched my heart. Let's all hope & pray for a big change in our nation's "sick care" system.

Monday, October 27, 2008

In need of some MOTIVATION, please. . .

I beg you. . . if you have any to spare, could you please, pretty please with sugar on top, ship some motivation on over to me? I had today pretty much free to get some stuff done. . .well, what you can get done with a 3 year old Power Ranger/Ninja/Spiderman along for the ride. Oh, and maybe I should mention that our well pump decided to kick the bucket after my shower this morning. . . (Thank goodness I got that shower in!) So I guess I should go a little easy on myself considering I had to deal with the well guy coming over a couple of times to get it all taken care of. . . BUT I didn't even get the laundry that was dried already folded & put away. I also didn't bother to even attempt to organize all of the accumulated junk in my office. . . or the fabric & clothing in need of makeovers that are in here. The dishwasher??? Yup, still full of CLEAN dishes. So is the dish rack next to the sink. . .just sitting there all clean & dry & ready to be put away.

It did SNOW today here in De Pere, WI. YUP, you read that correctly. No accumulation of course. . .but it snowed. Is that my excuse? NOPE!

I did schedule to take my MAT so I can apply for grad school. Now I'm thinking I should move that date up a bit as I will be cutting it close.

OH, and did I mention that I had a puking 8 year old this morning? SURE! THAT'S my excuse! Yeah, right. . .he made a quick recovery & Scott dropped him off at school by noon. But that could have set my day off a little drained. Not to mention the 3 year old was in my bed WAY prior to sunrise this morning & we all know how well that goes over. . .

So I decided to brew some more coffee. HOLY CRUD! IT'S SNOWING AGAIN!! SIDEWAYs. . . so I guess those bulbs that I wanted to finish planting won't get in the ground anymore this season. . . There is hope for later this week if our temperatures rise I guess. Does anyone know???? If the sun is shining when it snows is there still a rainbow?

Off to get some of that coffee. .. and procrastinate some more. . .

Sunday, October 26, 2008

First Friend Birthday Party a Success!

I'm a cool Mom!!! Spencer told me on Friday night that I'm the best Mom in the world. Oh, and that he was going to remember it. . . love that! The reason behind this was due to these little guys. I made bean bags for his party.

After all of the Plan B preparations due to a forecast of rain & downright dismal weather. . . we didn't truly need the bean bags. But they were fun anyway. Spencer had a fantastic time. He's the 2nd from the right. Carter is in the red Power Ranger costume & Parker decided not to pose for this picture. He was busy playing bean bags in the garage.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Any of you with little girl people that you know or know of. . . should enter this giveaway. How cool is this??? Check it out. . .don't wait. . .just go there now!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Class Reunion

Tonight is my 15 year High School Class Reunion. I'm excited & nervous & all that jazz. I don't know what to wear. . .how to do my hair. . . all of that silly high school crap that I have no desire to return to. But somehow I am so curious about what everyone else will look like & be up to that I so totally want to go. And I AM going. . . but why do we worry so much about appearances??? I guess it's human nature.

I do miss some of my pals from "back then." I know. . .it's not THAT far in the past. . .but far enough. I attended the 10 year reunion. . .but I've grown a whole new person since then. . . (meaning my 3 year old). The past 5 years have been a whirlwind of changes for me. So really, this is all about ME! I'm not used to things being about me. And I'm sure when I get there it will be about so many other people as well. (which reminds me. . .I'd better charge my camera battery & maybe get some pics of my kiddos printed out to show off!)

I also need to get my hair washed so that I can do it later. Oh, & the clothes issue. . . I'd better make sure I have clean ones to wear. . . . there's that shirt that needs mending or altering. . . oh crap! I should just go shopping for something new. . . but I must try to conserve my money. . . & the environment. I will wear something I own already. Enough of my ramblings. . . . I need to get this show on the road. I think I'll go walk on the treadmill first. (I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now. . . I've gained a couple pounds but hey. . . it's all muscle, right?) Catch ya later!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bloom Quilt finally finished!!!

I am FINALLY finished with my first quilt! Thanks to Camille Roskelley and her most fabulous bloom quilt pattern. This was so much fun to put together. Please go check out Peeky Boos, my other blog. . . Tell me what you think:)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


THIS QUILT is Fabulous & it could be yours!!! You need to go HERE & leave a comment to win it.
I will be done with my first quilt very soon & will post it to Peeky Boos. I know, it's taken me forever. . .but I've been a busy girl. . .

Friday, October 03, 2008

Nap or Blog. . .???? I choose. .. Both!

I NEED a nap. . .but I probably should update on my happenings as well. So this should be brief. .

Only ONE more week of clinical left! I'm surviving. . . that which doesn't kill us. . .

This week I taught Prep for Labor to expectant parents on Monday evening. . .
Worked 12+ hour days Tuesday & Thursday. . . I know, cry me a river. . .
Taught clinicals Thursday & Today.

I'm a bit exhausted to say the least. So I think I will go chill out for a bit. I'm miffed about WLUK/Fox pulling out of Time Warner Cable (my provider) which means I won't be able to watch the Packers from home on Sunday or any of my other Fox TV shows. . .well, I could attempt the rabbit ears but I'm doubting that will work. . . .

Time to nap!!!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Secret is in the Sauce: October Giveaway: Photoshop Elements!

The Secret is in the Sauce: October Giveaway: Photoshop Elements!

I Totally WANT this so badly!!! Of course. .. if YOU win you can give it to ME!!!