Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I'M IN!!!!

Got the call yesterday. . . and, yes, I'm officially IN grad school for my MSN through Gonzaga University. Of course, I still have to get my MAT score submitted & that very well may mean taking it AGAIN. {Thank you UPS for losing my test!!!} I'm staying positive & am very excited {aka nervous as all get out} to begin this journey. It's an online program {not moving to Washington} - so I'll have to be dedicated.

I'm on call today. . .yet again. Tuesdays are notorious for having TOO MANY nurses on the schedule where I work. FIFTEEN scheduled???? Are you kidding me? anyway. . .again, maybe this is a good thing. . . free day {kind of} to get some unexpected things done.

Of course, I waste no time {wasting time that is} & have discovered another really cool blog. . . go here to see what I'm talking about. Sweet Pea Totes is really inspiring. I may have to add it to my growing list on the right side over there. . . . >

I'm here - figuring out what to do with my Free Day. Drop me a line. . .

Jennifer B


Jana Nielson said...

Yeah Gonzaga U!!! Boo UPS!!
Thanks for the link. I'll definatly be adding that one to my (long) list!

Camille said...

Congratulations!! Great news! Good luck with the online courses- I'm not sure I could do it, since I would be far too easily distracted by bloglines... ;-)

Thanks for your comment on my blog today- you always leave such sweet comments, and I really appreciate them- and you! Thank you!!