Friday, December 18, 2009


I announced a while back that big changes were coming. I am ready to spill the beans, so to speak. It is probably not as exciting as the anticipation has made it out to be . . . but for me, it is, well, pretty exciting.

o WORK - some may already know this part . . . I cut back to a casual position at Aurora Baycare Medical Center. This was an incredibly difficult decision for me to make as I LOVE my job helping families welcome new babies. My coworkers are top notch! At first, I believed simply pulling back from the prenatal classes & hospital orientation classes would be enough. After further evaluation, Scott & I discovered that the 12 hour shifts proved very challenging given my grad school commitments & my family obligations. I contemplated this move way too long. I was worried that I’d be letting people down. By being so afraid of letting others down, I was basically letting down the little ones who mean WAY more to me than anyone else of this world. {sorry fellow coworkers – but I grew these little guys!}

o SCHOOL – I am transferring from Gonzaga University to Benedictine University. I will remain in the Masters of Science of Nursing program in the educator track & will graduate in the same time frame. It is entirely online with no residency requirement. This decision is mostly financial. It will allow me to make the work change described above. Most of my completed courses will transfer.

o FAMILY – No, we are not expanding our family by any way! Let us just squash that rumor before it gets started! The changes in my work commitments will allow us to have more quality time together as a family. Taking classes online does allow me to be physically present at home, but I’ve been absent in every other way. It is over due time for me to be truly present for my family. I am starting NOW by taking 2 weeks OFF of work (okay, actually starting after teaching on Saturday, but you get the point). Christmas is stressful enough with get togethers & what not.

o HEALTH – Another area of speculation lately. While it is true that I became fairly ill with a probable case of influenza in October, I have recovered completely from that. Other interesting issues emerged around that same time, coincidental or otherwise. It seems I may have a latex allergy. My lovely bands for my braces {the ones I had been wearing for 3 MONTHS!} may have been the culprit to my swollen, itchy, scaly eyelids & wheezing. I finally figured it out & most of the issues have subsided. I am attempting to reclaim a healthy balance, but this has proven very difficult with the work/school/family schedule conflicts. Sleep had gone by the wayside. Stress took over. Running on reserve is no path to wellness. I consulted with my chiropractor & my naturopath. I am on a supplement regimen to fight adrenal fatigue. Some inflammatory processes have been sprouting up here & there. Again, I believe these are symptoms of severe stress & fatigue. I just need a real break.

That is pretty much it! Of course there are many things I plan to do with my family & my interests. We enjoy our church home, St. Mark, in De Pere. God is the center of our lives. We would love to get involved with a Bible study again. I am very passionate about natural health & wellness. I plan to continue studying this alongside my graduate schooling. I hope to fit a little crafting in with my boys. I will also squeeze some clinical teaching in here & there. So, as you can see, I have plenty to keep me occupied. I am so blessed to have these opportunities.

Jennifer B


Jana Nielson said...

It is so hard to make these decisions, but everything sounds like it will work out so much better for you..and your family!

Bridget said...

It's hard to feel like you're letting anyone down so I understand why it's such a hard choice to make. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better!