Saturday, October 18, 2008

Class Reunion

Tonight is my 15 year High School Class Reunion. I'm excited & nervous & all that jazz. I don't know what to wear. . .how to do my hair. . . all of that silly high school crap that I have no desire to return to. But somehow I am so curious about what everyone else will look like & be up to that I so totally want to go. And I AM going. . . but why do we worry so much about appearances??? I guess it's human nature.

I do miss some of my pals from "back then." I know. . .it's not THAT far in the past. . .but far enough. I attended the 10 year reunion. . .but I've grown a whole new person since then. . . (meaning my 3 year old). The past 5 years have been a whirlwind of changes for me. So really, this is all about ME! I'm not used to things being about me. And I'm sure when I get there it will be about so many other people as well. (which reminds me. . .I'd better charge my camera battery & maybe get some pics of my kiddos printed out to show off!)

I also need to get my hair washed so that I can do it later. Oh, & the clothes issue. . . I'd better make sure I have clean ones to wear. . . . there's that shirt that needs mending or altering. . . oh crap! I should just go shopping for something new. . . but I must try to conserve my money. . . & the environment. I will wear something I own already. Enough of my ramblings. . . . I need to get this show on the road. I think I'll go walk on the treadmill first. (I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now. . . I've gained a couple pounds but hey. . . it's all muscle, right?) Catch ya later!


Rachel Berry said...

My 15th was supposed to be this summer as well. But our class didn't celebrate anything. I suppose they are waiting for our 20th to roll around before we get together again. I didn't even get to go to my 10th as I was in the middle of having a miscarriage. Not fun... One of these day's I'll go to one. :)

Have a FABULOUS TIME!!! I'm sure you'll look great and take lots of pictures!!!

Tonya Staab said...

ummm, did I miss something. I'm sure I didn't see any pictures? Where the heck are the pictures already???????