Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where in the World ARE YOU?

Bring on the comments here people! I want to know where you live. . . you don't have to post your exact address - just your spot on the map. I am in De Pere, WI - very close to Green Bay - home of the Packers. We have 4 seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring & Construction, er, I mean Summer. Over the past few years we have been seeing much more overlap among the seasons. For instance, we had snow in May, 70's in March (for those of you in the Southern part of the US - this is NOT normal for WI). Yesterday there was hale as big as tennis balls in some parts of WI (Thank God it didn't make it here.)
So give me a shout out in the comments section. . .even you lurkers out there. I posted 2 days in a row! That should count for something:) I'm still trying to think up some sort of prizey give away sort of thing I can do. . . I will be purging my scrappy supplies sometime soon (keep in mind soon to me can be anytime in the next 6 months. . . tee hee. . .I'm the queen of putting things off!)


coryshay said...

Hey! I actually found you from Lola's the links...I'll be returning for your some kind of giveaway

coryshay said...

woops...I forgot...I live in American Fork, UT where we have 2 seasons... freakin' cold and freakin' hot.

Bridget said...

You are on a posting roll!!! I live smack dab in the middle of no where in Eastern Oregon. It's normal to have our heaters on at night and our a/c thumping during the day. My a/c is working extra hard this summer!

Rachel Berry said...

I'm right there with Bridget! Easter Oregon. La Grande to be exact. And yes it's hot here in the summer and freezing like no man's business in the winter.

Jana Nielson said...

I'm in Salem, Utah. We have the same seasons as American Fork. Today it is Freakin hot!