Thursday, November 13, 2008

What was I thinking?????

I must have been having a case of the "Nobody wants to go to lunch with me" blues. . . (My big sister had lunch plans with her DH & my DH was already having his lunch. . .OK, so 2 people isn't' everyone. .. .I digress) I veered off the highway & stopped at a Chinese food place. . .not to be named to protect the seemingly innocent. . . Crab Rangoon call my name. . .I can't help it, they just do. And I COULD have just ordered those & been done with it. . .but NO, I have to order one of the "Lunch Specials." I order the Chicken with Mixed Vegetables -white rice instead of the pork fried rice. I then proceed to play catch with the owner's 5 year old son who told me I was "cute." (What a sweetie. I didn't even pay him for that unsolicited compliment:) Did I ask if they made their food with NO MSG??? NO, of course not. That would have been too easy! I guess I just hoped they did. . .

After playing catch with the boy for less than 10 minutes my food was ready & I was on my way. Got to the van & tore open the bag to get those crab Rangoon out pronto. Of course, they were piping hot & I burned the roof of my mouth on one. My bad. . .duh, fresh from the fryer!!! But does that stop me from eating them ALL before getting home? Nope.

Get home & think to myself, "Self, you're already full. Do you really need to open the entree?" I must be ignoring my body as I didn't even wait for a response. . .I just opened the container & took a couple of fork fulls. . . OK, the sauce on this stuff was pretty dark looking. . . PLUS, it was saturated in it. I should have trusted my first instinct to NOT eat it. But, again, must be having a brain malfunction today. . .I ate some anyway. I walked away for a few minutes to respond to some email. You know, let the food settle so I could shovel more in??? Well, not even 10 minutes after the few bites I took. . . . .I'm feeling queasy. For those of you that had morning sickness with pregnancy. . it's kind of like that. . . you think to yourself, "Man, I could vomit. I don't especially want to. . .but if I bent over the porcelain throne right now I most definitely would." Sorry for the details there. . .

And I feel kind of like I could fall over in a heap & sleep. Seriously, my arms are weak & my eyelids are heavy. My mouth feels funny. . .is that just the numbness from burning my mouth? Crap! Am I having an allergic reaction? Nah! I'm just anxious about it now. . . great! All I need now is a panic attack. I can hear it already, "Woman calls 911 after freaking out over eating Chinese food." But I do suppose I could be experiencing some food sensitivity issues. I am VERY sensitive to MSG. That's why the "I'm a dingbat" sign should be emblazoned onto my chest right now. Well, if I survive. .. I'll let you know later. . .


Jana Nielson said...

OK!! I'm just going to dial 91 and you let me know if I need to dial the other one.

Scrappinfor3 said...

I'm OK. .. .still upright & breathing:)

Rachel Berry said...

Oh my gosh this made me laugh... I know I shouldn't... :) Hope your feeling better. No more MSG for you, but it does make the food taste oh so good. :)

sassy stephanie said...

Oh man, I have so been there. I usually live with my tongue burned!

Thanks for sharing in my SITS day with me!