Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ALWAYS question closed bedroom doors with a quiet child. . .

Need I say more? Anyone have a Magic Eraser??? Maybe this one will be the artistic home decorator type??? (By the way, it's my OLDEST who is 7 1/2 years old who did this.) I thought it was strange that he went up to "lay down" this morning. This is light blue highlighter with a small tracing of pink highlighter. Interesting. . .


Antoinette said...

Yes, I hear you. I thought we were getting out of the "need to keep your eyes on them" phase with our 5-year-old but he is more wily than ever. Now his thing is to sneak into our room and "explore". :)

Jana Nielson said...

The crappy thing is that you STILL have to keep your eyes on them when they're 13....ggggrrrphhh!