Saturday, September 20, 2008

HOLY CRAP - I'm still alive. . .barely

Yup, I know. . .it's been almost an entire week without a blog entry from me. I've been MIA & nearly KIA. To put it lightly. . .this week has kicked my @$$. But I'm alive. I don't know how. . .but I am. Let me just give you an abbreviated rundown of this week's happenings:
  • 1st Cub Scout Pack meeting Monday evening - solo as Scott worked late - score one for Mom as got babysitter for youngest. Split time between 2 dens - score another for Mom!
  • Stayed up late working on Quilt for cousin's baby shower this coming weekend.
  • Worked 12 + hours Tuesday & 12 hours Wednesday.
  • Last minute prep for clinical teaching Wednesday night after working all day:(
  • All 3 boys to daycare Thursday AM as Scott had to leave early - clinical started later as was Day 1 - orientation.
  • Donned the cape & painted an "S" on chest to get home prior to boy 1 & 2 getting off bus - score bonus point for picking up boy 3 from daycare & still making it home in time.
  • Cleaned up the messes made by aforementioned boys & their father from Tues & Wed while I worked later, did 2 loads of laundry, prepared supper, helped with homework, bathed boys & picked my Mom up to stay overnight all before 8 PM!
  • Stayed up pretty darn late getting work done for clinicals Friday.
  • Up at 5 AM to get ready for clinicals. Yay for having Grandma here to get boys off to bus & daycare.
  • Home, with boys, by 3PM. Homework conquered prior to Dad getting home around 4 PM.
  • Crashed by 7:30 PM. . . . slept like a ROCK!!!!
  • Made taco dip for best friend's baby shower today - & got there a few minutes late. . . but hey, I got there. Girl time watching friend open all those cute gifts.
  • Home with family this evening. .. working on final stitching of binding for quilt that needs to be finished tomorrow!!!
  • Now I'm blogging. . . & you know why I haven't had a chance to this week. ...
  • Making taco dip in the AM tomorrow for cousin's baby shower. . .hopefully will have quilt finished!!!!

I omitted many details. . . . I know. . . how is that even possible?? I need to go iron my red cape & get my red "S" paint ready for tomorrow. I should go to bed before I fall over. . .

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Blog Mommas Digital Scrapbook Giveaway!!!

Holy Moses! I am totally enthralled with all of these giveaways I'm linking to lately. This one is super awesome as well. . . go check it out HERE. You could be the proud winner of super cool kiddo scrapbooking supplies. . .including the camera for little ones.

I really need to learn how to create my own little signature. . . they're so cute;)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cute Necklace Giveaway

She just keeps this going & going. . .Head over to MommyMandy for her fabulous Little Windows Giveaway. You just HAVE to see these awesome necklaces that enclose pics of your choosing. Heck, if you don't want them. . .enter anyway & give them to me when you win! So do as I say, go there now. ... . go ahead. . . right now. . .

Friday, September 12, 2008

FREE Photo Printer!

Go here for your chance to win a FREE Photo Printer. It's pretty cool. But you know what is even cooler still??? The support fellow bloggers give. Don't just follow this link to win the printer. . .but read a little about the people as you follow the directions. There's a lot of love out there!!! Let's keep the world full of hope & peace.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Pro Choice

I know. . .. this isn't really my political forum. BUT, this IS a big deal to me. I am VERY PASSIONATE about my stance on women's rights. When asked if I'm pro choice I reply. . .YES! I believe that every woman has the right to make a choice when it comes to whether she takes her pants off or not. Once you cross that line, you must accept whatever consequence ensues. SO THERE! Come on, People! Let's get real here! When we take on the responsibility of having intercourse we know full well that conception could take place. I know. . .there are circumstances where this choice was not made by the woman. . . and in the grand scheme of things conception does not occur for most of these cases. BUT for the percentage of those unfortunate circumstances would it make you feel better if you added another wrongdoing to the mix? Is it that little fetus's fault? Could that little life bring something wonderful to someone else's life? I think so.

I've assisted in the delivery of many babies. . .some that were under 20 weeks gestation. Obviously, those did not survive. . .but I've seen a preterm delivery of 23 1/2 weeks & a baby survived! He is still alive. I've witnessed a live birth of a under 20 weeker. . .who didn't survive. . .but it had a heartbeat at birth! That has to count for something. . . it got acknowledged with a birth & death certificate. I've seen deliveries of babies that prenatal tests showed severe handicap. . . possible poor quality of life. . . once born there was NOTHING WRONG!

So I think the Choice is clearly one that should be made BEFORE conception has the chance to take place. If I've offended anyone. . . so be it. These aren't stray animals we're talking about. . .it's human life.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Go here: Sugar Shop NOW! This is a FANTASTIC giveaway of $75 Worth of FREE FABRIC SHOPPING!!! Don't wait. . . just go there. I can't wait to see what she's been up to. . . Oh my. . .for some reason the pic doesn't show up. . .unless you click on the empty box you see below. . .so go ahead. on it or just use the link above:)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Go To Peeky Boos. . . .

It's right over there. . . .to the right. . . . see the link? It's my new blog for my creations. So go check it out or I'll feel bad & I might cry.

There is so much to blog about. . .but I'm tired. I have a sassy bug bite on my ankle that looks kind of not good. You know. . . like it might have developed a mind of its own & decided to become infected. NICE. I needed that.

Boys started school today. I got all teary eyed when they got on the bus. You'd think I'd be OK with all that by now. They were both in school last year already. But that's OK. . . a few tears are a good thing for us girls. Then I dropped boy #3 off at Daycare & he was super clingy & cried. . . so I felt guilty for bringing him when I was going to be home. He really does wonderfully when he goes 3 days a week though. . .so we need to get him back into that swing. It's preschool too so I shouldn't feel too guilty, right?

I worked on a sewing/quilting project today again. My Mom helped me with cutting applique pieces out. I'm such a newbie at this. I can't wait to finish. I hope it turns out!

OK, so go to Peeky Boos & tell me what you think so far ------------------>