Sunday, March 16, 2008

Been Busy but I Got Big Plans

I've been surfing through other blogs & see so many amazing artists in the sewing world out there. I still didn't take a pic of my newest bag. . .which isn't very new anymore. . .but I do get some compliments on it. I used light blue corduroys to make a bootie bag. . . and it is cute. I think I need to get adventurous though. I need to get flashy with the colors & the design. I have so much stuff & just need to USE IT! What am I waiting for?

I am going to use my stuff. . . and not wait for a "better project." I need to get my butt in gear & get doing what I have been putting off. I know, it's kind of late for New Year's Resolutions. . .but I don't really do those anyway. It's more like time to kick myself in the @$$ with just about everything. You can read about my weight loss efforts in my other blog:

I will do my best to keep this updated. I will actually post my blog link so others can read it if they want to!!!!

Wish me luck!

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