Sunday, July 09, 2006

9-11 pics

I just watched pics from 9-11-01 set to Enya's Only Time. Amazing! I am still so full of emotion about that day. As most everyone who has memory from that day - I know exactly where I was standing as the 2nd plane hit the World Trade Center. I watched in shock & horror as I realized that the first impact was not an accident after all. I shook with fear as I thought of how fragile our lives are & how vulnerable we are to acts of terror. My heart sank as I realized the lives that were lost & the children who would never again see the face of a parent. . .and I shivered with anxiety because my own young son was sleeping soundly in the next room. What kind of future would lay ahead? And I didn't know it at the time, but a 2nd son would be coming within just one year of that day.
Here is the link to what I viewed:
I encourage you to check it out. Be ready. You will feel many emotions.


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