Sunday, July 16, 2006

Funny how the weekend goes

You'd think that I'd get MORE done on the weekend. . .NOT! We met with another builder yesterday AM. Glad we did. We're tweeking our house plans a bit. We're thinking no bonus room. Instead, we'll finish a room in the basement right away. I'm excited for this. It will be the biggest investment of our lives. LOTS of decisions. Good thing we're pretty simple people. I need to control my husband's desire for extravagant/fancy things once in a while. I don't like frilly dilly. I like classic/stand the test of time things that are good quality.

Anyway, when we got back from that, Spencer needed to go get a birthday gift for the party he was going to. He & I did that. Then Scott walked him to it while I fed the other 2 lunch. . . It was 100 degrees! Inside time for us! We got some much needed Parker time as Carter took a nap.

Then Scott was off to golf with my brothers & BIL. So we went to pick up Spence. . . holy hot out! We walked - mind you, it's only 2 blocks away (short blocks!). I was sweating before we reached the first corner.

We made it back home & hung out briefly outside. . . then indoors to the air conditioning. We did go back out later & played with some neighbors in our yard. Who am I kidding? I sat & watched as the kids played:) Too hot for physical acitivity:)

Then back in for baths - which was a fight with my 4 year old. Why is it so difficult to get through one hour without him trying to pick fights with his older brother? Oh the joys! We survived bath time. . .I got all 3 boys clean & in jammies without blood being drawn. Then we had a snack - ice cream - rather befitting given the weather. Then they actually settled down quite well for night night. Of course, by this time, I'm exhausted. I showered, snacked again & sat on the couch watching whatever was on until Scott arrived home around 10:15. He was not really in the talkative mood due to being exhausted himself. . .and a bit over extended on the alcohol consumption. So we went to sleep.

I always make a short story long. . . so, in summary, I didn't get to scrap!!! And my house is still trashed!

So this morning we attempted to clean up the kitchen. . .this is a sore spot with me. Scott's idea of cleaning up after breakfast is throwing the dishes in the sink & pushing the chairs in. I put a kabosh to that & insisted that before we run outside to entertain our children the kitchen actually gets cleaned! UGH! This is just not going to be easy.

I'll snap a shot of our house plans soon & post them. I need to go make sure Carter is being supervised properly as I think I just heard Scott go outside. He thinks our 4 year old can watch our 10 month old. . . Scott has 2 Masters Degrees. . ..but he is just not the brightest when it comes to common sense.

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