Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I need to take action. If you watched Oprah yesterday, you saw the update on the hoarder. By all means, I'm not THAT BAD. . .but THIS is pretty bad! I need to take action today to start getting rid of clutter. My office, pictured here, has become the gathering ground for every hobby I have as well as various coloring books that Carter likes to busy himself with. It all gets moved TODAY. . .as long as my back holds up (another story - see my wellness blog). Wish me luck. I'll take more pics when it's the end of the day.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Since Spring was once again interrupted this morning by SNOW!!!! (IT'S APRIL for crying out loud!) I did some retail therapy. I ventured to Hancock Fabric & boy did I make a FIND!!! Here is what I found. . . at $1.99/yd I was ecstatic. It's upholstery fabric. I know I will use it for something. I was actually considering making a headboard for our bed by covering a few pieces of wood with the fabric on the right. Then I would probably need to get a new comforter. And let's not forget pillows. . . oh the ideas! Maybe I could find some comforter type fabric that matches or accents it. Oh boy, I must be manic. Anyway, the colors didn't really come through on this pic (I need a new camera - another story there) but the darker color is a deep purplish color. . ooo, I'm just so so so excited!! This was WAY too cool of a shopping trip for me! I FINALLY bought NEW fabric - allbeit on the clearance rack - but it IS NEW!

Here's a little something I created this weekend. It's not pieced together yet. . .but I think it will go nicely onto a tote or whatever I decide. . . I might add some steam coming from the top. I also think I could design a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows in it. . .oh the ideas are endless!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


"Are you waffin' at me?" "What? Are you kiddin' me?" And let's not forget, "Pooperman" instead of Superman. . . This kid is hilarious! And he's all MINE! I pretend to nibble on him once in a while. .. & he laughs his ever lovin' butt off. But once in a while I ask if I can munch on him. . . just a little moment ago he comes up to me as I'm blog surfing. . .and he says, "Munch on me 'gain, Momma." I say, "What? Are you serious?" He says, "Yeah, munch on my boo boo." (FYI, "boo boo" is his belly)
His blonde, curly hair is absolutely adorable. . .even though it needs to be cut badly. Buggers. . .was going to take a pic of him just then but my batteries need charging. . . later for that. (added the pic now!) So I'm just loving up my little man today. . . there will, sadly, come a day when he no longer wants his Momma to munch on him. . .& quite frankly, there probably SHOULD come that day. . . (kind of freaks the neighbors out if you're munching on your 13 year old - not to mention it's probably illegal in most states).
I'll be back. . .

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


OK, so I never thought these words would come off my lips let alone be serious. . .but I might want to try to quilt an actual QUILT! No kidding! You HAVE to take a look at http://web.mac.com/cjroskelley & see what I'm talking about. Go there now. . . really, do it. And while you're there. . .leave a comment & tell her that I sent you there from here: http://scrappinfor3.blogspot.com/ so we both get a shot at winning this absolutely gorgeous quilt.

And just in case I don't get lucky enough to hold this fantastic piece of art in my hands as created by such a talented lady. . .I might just have to go here: http://web.mac.com/cjroskelley/Thimble_Blossoms/Thimble_Blossoms_Home/Thimble_Blossoms_Home.html to purchase the pattern.

Monday, April 21, 2008


I'm a procrastinator & kind of disorganized (there I said it!) in my personal life. Professionally speaking I'm very organized & get things done quickly when I'm at work. So today I am going to try something again. . . I'm going to STAY FOCUSED on my tasks. So, I will only check my email 3 times today. One is now. . . . so I will check again around noon & again before the kids get off of the bus around 4 ish. . . this will be interesting. . . wish me luck!
So I'm off to make my TO DO list for the day. I need to stick to it. This will be great practice for me when I do some home schooling of the kids this summer (just the summer folks. . .I'm not THAT good that I could do the home schooling thing for the year). We're going to do Spanish (hablo Espanol un pocito) & possibly sign language as well as crafty stuff & we'll squeeze in science & math in a creative way as well. I know, it's ambitious. But I believe I'm up for the challenge. It's going to be fun!

See you later!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Here is the finished bag. I feel pretty good about it. It's super cute. I brought it to work yesterday to get people's reactions & it was a hit. I have several people wanting one. It's funny because one of my coworkers was saying, "Oh, we need to market these. You could make them for craft fairs & I would work your booth for you. . . " Totally hilarious! And do I think I could? Sure. . . now that I've got this one under my belt the difficult part is done. . .the designing that is. Of course, my prototype is being gifted today so I won't have it on hand. . .but I have many pics.

I might get to the tutorial on this within the week so please be patient with me. I have never done a tut so I am not sure how to go about it. Suggestions to where to create it online???
I think if it were for an adult I would make the straps a bit thinner & longer to fit shoulder length. And I may even make the dimensions of the bag part deeper. These will surely be one of a kind bags as there is no way to keep them consistent.

This design needs a name. . . I could call it The Maddie - it's for my niece, Madelyn. Feedback please:)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

What kind of Handle??

Here is the exterior body of the bag all put together. This wasn't as difficult as one might think. Then again, I kind of made a boo boo with the flower (note to self, don't apply any embellishments until AFTER sewing parts together). Now I need to figure out what kind of handle/strap to make. Any suggestions? I need to have this finished by Saturday. . .so I'm on time constraints here. I was originally planning to do 2 longer shoulder straps. Now I'm considering 1 longer strap & attaching it across from narrow side to narrow side (do you smell what I'm steppin' in?) Then again, should I do 2 shorter tote type straps?

Putting on the Cape

This summer I will be Super Mom! We're not sending the 6 & 7 year old boys to daycare or summer school this summer. So I decided that we'd do some summer schooling of our own instead. I want them to continue to learn new things & be exposed to new adventures. So I'm planning on making it fun. Ideas??? Well, thanks to my neighbor, I have the idea to teach them (Oh, & learn myself) Sign Language. I think they'll like this (as they already learned a not so nice sign!) & this is something the 2 year old can learn as well. In fact, I think "Silent Moments" could be part of a daily ritual around here & much appreciated for our sanity.

Other ideas include: basic Spanish, gardening, natural resources, underwater basketweaving. . .OK, maybe not that. We will of course continue reading everyday. I think this is fundamental no matter what. But I think I shall put on the cape &, follow me here, schedule our time! Oh NO! What did I just type?? ME, structured with my "FREE TIME?" Never! I'm going to try it. It just might lead to less stress & more stuff getting done. Maybe. . . I'm willing to try.

The little guy is sleeping. . .so I'm going to work on my bag. Hopefully I'll have an update & pics later today:)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Should I departmentalize???

The blog, that is. . . I've been surfing blog wonderland tonight & have seen many different formats. . . I don't really want to have a bunch of separate blogs to address my eclectic life. but I also realize that certain people don't give a hoot about my new obsession with designing bags & God only knows what & on the same note. . .many people don't care to read about the latest issues I'm having trying to balance my boys, career, health, hobbies & the list goes on. .

So I'm sure I'll ponder this in my sleep (if I get to sleep tonight). The boys have been making nightly rendezvous to our bed. . .they don't usually arrive all at once. And they don't usually get escorted back to their own rooms all at once either. We would never be THAT fortunate. It's one at 1:30 AM cuz he's scared. Then it's another one at 3 AM because he needs his "pup" (a.k.a. cup) & then yet the other one because one of the others woke him up in the process of coming or going or he has to pee & feels the need to inform us of the much needed event before, during or after said event. Gotta love boys! I thought this kind of waking every 2 hours bull$#!t was over after infancy! What to Expect When You're Expecting doesn't share with you all of these joys. . .I skipped the sequel. I truly love being a Mom. . really, I do. I am getting OLDER people! I NEED MY SLEEP!!! And yet, given the opportunity to crash early tonight I sit here typing like a mad woman. What? Am I on a mission to take over the Super Woman throne? Yeah, not gonna happen. I am in no way, shape or form Super Mom, Housewife, fill in any domesticated thing a ma jig here that you want. My house is a catastrophe at present time (which, for those who really do know me, will be of no surprise). I have MT. Laundry errupting from just about every laundry basket known to man(if only clean laundry would fold & put itself away). . .plus a laundry room reaching critical mass. My dishes are not done. Dishwasher. . you guessed it. . . clean & not emptied. Bed, - HA! I'm getting back into it anyway. (YUP, Mom & Dad, you wrecked that one for me. I'm rebelling by NOT making it. The only way dust mites die is by exposure to sunlight. . .so that's my story.) I think we have an island in the kitchen as well as a table. . .but I might have to hire someone to find them. I don't know how SAHM's do it! And Single SAHMs. . .They wear the real capes!

Done whining. . .well, I was just stating facts. I know I have to get my crap in order & do it. So, instead of tackling any of these things tonight, I've worn myself out making the list so now I'll go to bed hoping to awaken when the sun rises (NOT BEFORE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE LET ME SLEEP! Well, as long as everyone is OK that is.) Maybe I'm bipolar. . . nah, just PMS.

Progress on Patchwork Raggy Bag

I might have to try my hand on a tutorial after this adventure. I'm taking pics regularly & I'll see. . . but here is some of the progress I made today on my new bag. The first pic is the front side with the bottom/sides just laying together. . .

The other is the front, back & bottom/side attached at just the bottom. Now for the fiddling to get the sides sewn up. . .and then to the lining. I'm impressed thus far. I designed this bag from the workings of my brain. . . so I'm very excited to see it come to life. I need to remember to make the handles yet too! And to sew the pink button onto the flower before putting the lining in.

Stay tuned. . .this has got to be done before Saturday. I'm planning to give it to my 7 year old niece for her birthday.

DAVID COOK!!!! wow

Ok, so I don't normally blog about American Idol. ..but I just watched this on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVAs2zmb0ig&feature=related & if you go watch/listen to it you will most likely agree that this guy is going to do very well in the industry!!!

I'm just in awe. . . go check it out, you know you want to:)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Coming Along

I stayed up LATE last night & went to town on this bag. Wow, Can you say "LINT?" I was covered in white fuzz from the quilting stuff in the middle. I'm recycling for this bag & using a coverlet type quilty thing for the inner fluffy stuff. Did that make ANY sense?
(removed image. . .go so the finished bag:)
I'm excited about this as it takes shape. I still have to figure out how to put it all together & how to do the lining & the zipper. . . maybe I will just do a snap??? We'll see. As it comes together I'm considering this for part of my 7 year old niece's birthday present. I think she'd like it. It's a bit small for an adult sized bag. It will surely be a one of a kind as I'm not following a pattern.
Now to clean up my mess & hopefully get to work on the bag a little more later today.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Buttons, Buttons Everywhere!

Thanks to an idea from Bridget http://bridgetbaxter.blogspot.com/, we now have our own Button System complete with jars & lots of BUTTONS! I still have to make my lists & get them looking cute. I had a blast buying buttons. I got these beauties from Hobby Lobby. While I was there I also found some really cool fabric in the bargain bin & some awesome ribbon (30 yards!) - 16 different pieces (I actually got a bonus yard so it was 31 yards - yay!).

It's AMAZING how motivating this technique has been with my boys. . .especially Spencer who just could not wait to get the jars made. (And I need to add their letters to the jars yet too.) I couldn't get the holes in the lids so I improvised with cut plastic bags & rubberbands for now.

Spencer & Parker are constantly asking, "If I do this. . . does that mean I get more buttons?" For the LOVE, they think they get extra buttons for everything. . .but when they go above & beyond they get more - so that excites the living daylights out of them. Carter, well, he couldn't care less for the most part. . .but he join in anyway.

While I haven't gotten any scrapbooking done, I have done some sewing. Here is my latest endeavor. When finished, it should be a patchwork, raggy edged purse. I do hope it turns out. I plan to try a zipper for the first time too. I know, ambitious. It is once again Winter here in Wisconsin. After one week of Spring, we skipped summer & fall completely & just dove right back into Winter.

So wish me luck with this adventure. I'm not using a pattern so I hope it turns out. I have ideas in this crazy head of mine:) don't you just love the flower & the button? I've been wanting to use that big old flower on something for a long time.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Inspired to Scrap!

I need to get back to my scrapping! My supplies & pictures are just sitting there (many in digital limbo) awaiting my clever hands & mind. Of course, I have a curious & ambitious 2 year old who would love to "help" me create. And I have my lack of motivation lately. . .I think I need to knock that lazy self right off her butt!

I'm reading Body by God right now. . .well, not right this second as I'm typing. But you get the point. . . I will let you know what I think. So far, I've read that there is a difference between inspiration & motivation. I need inspiration first & then will come the motivation. So my inspiration is my kids & wanting to tell our story. Gotta work on the motivation & light that proverbial fire under my butt.

I believe that I need to clear the clutter first! I'm always inspired/motivated when I see those fancy, awesome, cool scrappy spaces like: http://twopeasinabucket.kaboose.com/pg.asp?cmd=display&layout_id=1321279&f=n# & http://www.scrapjazz.com/guides/organization/ so maybe if I can just get organized. . . . HA! How many times have I mentioned THAT??? It is true, clutter in the environment indicates clutter in the mind. . . and less productivity. Of course, I cannot life heavy objects today (excuses, excuses) as I wrenched my back (seriously, I have already gone to the chiropractor today & have another visit Wednesday morning). So, I will do what I can to get the other things done so I can get my crap together this week!

OK, enough whining. . .I must to check on the 2 year old. He is eating his "wunch" right now. I should eat too. . .but my appetite is not so good. (perk to the injury? doubt it! The cookie I ate not too long ago was NOT a good choice!) I will Clear My Clutter!!!! And I'll take before & after pics to prove my journey!