Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I need to take action. If you watched Oprah yesterday, you saw the update on the hoarder. By all means, I'm not THAT BAD. . .but THIS is pretty bad! I need to take action today to start getting rid of clutter. My office, pictured here, has become the gathering ground for every hobby I have as well as various coloring books that Carter likes to busy himself with. It all gets moved TODAY. . .as long as my back holds up (another story - see my wellness blog). Wish me luck. I'll take more pics when it's the end of the day.

1 comment:

Scrappinfor3 said...

I'm commenting on my own blog. Is that somewhat pathetic? Anyway, I've decided that I need Clean Sweep to come here & take care of my stuff. HA! I really do need someone with the planning/organizing gene to help me. What kind of design do I need to get my crap in order????