Monday, April 21, 2008


I'm a procrastinator & kind of disorganized (there I said it!) in my personal life. Professionally speaking I'm very organized & get things done quickly when I'm at work. So today I am going to try something again. . . I'm going to STAY FOCUSED on my tasks. So, I will only check my email 3 times today. One is now. . . . so I will check again around noon & again before the kids get off of the bus around 4 ish. . . this will be interesting. . . wish me luck!
So I'm off to make my TO DO list for the day. I need to stick to it. This will be great practice for me when I do some home schooling of the kids this summer (just the summer folks. . .I'm not THAT good that I could do the home schooling thing for the year). We're going to do Spanish (hablo Espanol un pocito) & possibly sign language as well as crafty stuff & we'll squeeze in science & math in a creative way as well. I know, it's ambitious. But I believe I'm up for the challenge. It's going to be fun!

See you later!

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