Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Progress on Patchwork Raggy Bag

I might have to try my hand on a tutorial after this adventure. I'm taking pics regularly & I'll see. . . but here is some of the progress I made today on my new bag. The first pic is the front side with the bottom/sides just laying together. . .

The other is the front, back & bottom/side attached at just the bottom. Now for the fiddling to get the sides sewn up. . .and then to the lining. I'm impressed thus far. I designed this bag from the workings of my brain. . . so I'm very excited to see it come to life. I need to remember to make the handles yet too! And to sew the pink button onto the flower before putting the lining in.

Stay tuned. . .this has got to be done before Saturday. I'm planning to give it to my 7 year old niece for her birthday.

1 comment:

UpsideDownSarah said...

I would really appreciate a tutorial as I want to try this technique but am a sewing beginner.